Feeling stuck in a rut is frustrating, especially if you run your own business.

Nowadays, it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others via social media and quickly feel as though you’re not moving forward, or in the direction you want to be moving in.

If this sounds all too familiar, take a look at our tips below. We’ve gathered together some steps to help you inject some life back into your workday.

Pause and re-evaluate.

Small business owners can feel as though we’re running around on a hamster wheel and usually this is because we’ve not spent any time reflecting on what we’re actually doing and achieving.

Hours, days and weeks can quickly be filled up with working in the business, rather than on the business, which leads to us lacking clear direction.

Spend an afternoon re-defining what matters to you; your values and your goals. This helps you prioritise work,  as well as put plans in motion for exciting things in the future for your business.

If you’re a visual person, why not create a mood board? Or, if you love stats and figures, get planning with a spreadsheet.

Get inspiration.

Thanks to the digital world, there’s so much inspiration at our fingertips. Podcasts, blogs, videos and social media feeds are filled with new ideas and concepts that are bound to spark some motivation.

Get away from your desk.

Be sure to look beyond your smartphone for inspiration, however.

Get away from your desk, step outside and do something new. Taking a break from work may seem counter-productive, but it can do wonders for our minds, reduce burnout and help you feel refreshed before returning to your daily routine.

Learn something new.

Whether it’s personal or professional, getting stuck into a new topic or skill is an excellent way to ignite new ideas for your business.

As well as helping you switch off from work (which, as we’ve mentioned before is crucial when you work for yourself), learning something new can help you gain a new perspective on what you’re doing.

And, if it relates to your job, you can bring your new knowledge into your business and apply it.

Change of scenery/workspace.

A quick fix for feeling stuck in a routine is to get out of it. If you usually work from home, grab your stuff and head to a local coffee shop or co-working space.

At the very least, give your workspace a good sort out and maybe rearrange the space to work better for you.

Feel like you need to spend more time on your business? We can help free up some of the time you waste bookkeeping and filing tax returns. Chat with a member of our team right now.